Lunch at Tour Eiffel

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Today I made myself a jambon and fromage sandwich on a fresh baguette and ate lunch at the Champs de Mars park by the Eiffel Tower. The park is landscaped beautifully and although there are a lot of tourists, I was able to find a quiet little bench all to myself. After lunch I walked for three hours along the banks of the Seine River back to my apartment. My apartment isn’t a three hour walk away from the Eiffel tower, but I was stopping to take in the city and take photos of my journey. All in all it was a great way to spend the day and I realize just how special Paris truly is.

IMG_1681View of the eiffel tower when I exited the metro.

IMG_1684View from my bench in the Champs de Mars.

IMG_1686The Pont d’Iéna bridge.

IMG_1687Market next to the Seine River.

IMG_1688Market next to the Seine River.

IMG_1690Market next to the Seine River.

IMG_1691Market next to the Seine River.

IMG_1692Market next to the Seine River.

IMG_1697View of the Seine and Eiffel Tower from the Passerelle Debilly bridge.

IMG_1710The Passerelle Debilly bridge.

IMG_1712Boat docked along the Seine River.

IMG_1716Pont Alexandre III bridge.

IMG_1722Pont Alexandre III bridge.

IMG_1735Pont des Arts bridge.

IMG_1733View of Île Saint-Louis from the Pont des Arts bridge.